Construction firms have a lot of rules to follow, and the ones concerning the environment and sustainability can seem like the most difficult to abide by. Attempting to achieve environmental compliance does not have to come at the expense of other things though, and focusing on sustainability can actually be quite rewarding. Our Houston construction litigation lawyers can tell you more.

What Are the Advantages of Focusing on Environmental Compliance?

There are a few selfish reasons to concern yourself with environmental compliance. If you meet sustainability and environmental goals, you can potentially:

  • Help your company develop a reputation for sustainability
  • Open up additional business opportunities
  • Avoid regulatory penalties, including fines and legal challenges
  • Improve morale for employees who are proud to work for a responsible company
  • Reduce waste, like unnecessary material or energy consumption
  • Position yourself to adapt better to future regulations and requirements

Making environmental compliance and sustainability some of your top priorities can pay off in more ways than one.

What Are Some Important Environmental Regulations to Look Out For?

Meeting these environmental goals may not be easy though. This is because there are just so many rules and regulations that need to be followed. Companies in the construction industry must pay close attention to:

  • Water quality protection
  • Air quality protection
  • How projects impact the environment in general
  • How waste is dealt with
  • How hazardous materials are handled
  • How nearby endangered species are protected

How Can My Company Achieve Environmental Compliance?

Make a plan: Developing an environmental management plan of your own is a good idea. Figure out how you’re going to manage waste and reduce the environmental impacts of your projects before construction even begins.

Train your crew: Make sure that your workers all know about environmental rules and regulations. The more your workers know, the less likely your crew is to make mistakes that could result in fines or damage to your reputation.

Talk to regulators: Keep lines of communication with environmental regulators open. If you have contacts who can answer your questions about compliance, that can make it easier to manage a project and its potential environmental impacts.

Keep evolving: Finally, don’t rest on your laurels. Pay attention and look for any changes to environmental rules or new regulations. Keep evolving your compliance plan and make every effort to keep educating your workers.

Do I Need a Construction Lawyer?

An experienced lawyer can help you keep up with regulations and any changes to environmental standards. When you have a lawyer who is well-versed in crafting construction contracts, you can ensure that compliance with environmental and sustainability rules is baked into any deal that you do. This can help you avoid conflicts with collaborators and other issues as your project proceeds.

Contact Our Law Firm

If you want to learn more about how we can help you abide by the law and achieve environmental compliance, contact Patout & Shaw. Schedule your consultation with our seasoned attorneys today.